In city library there took place exhibition new books

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By long-term tradition in city library of E.R.Dashkovoy there took place a New Year's Eve exhibition new books. This day many hunters gathered in department of the subscription behind book novelties, all with interest considered beautiful covers and attentively listened to recommendations of librarians. There began the review of books the methodologist Chechikova Galina . She paid attention of readers to Maxim Tskhay's books "About the father", Elena Chudinova "The magical child", Dina Rubina "The lime wife", to Victoria Mironova "The last gift to the childhood", N. Kovalyova "Opening a door in the past". Manager of service department...
Alex Mikhaelides
Last position: Writer, screenwriter
Chechikova Galina
Voronkov Natalia
Sobolevskaya Sofya
Gelasimov Andrey