At once three medals were won by the Yaroslavl fighters at the All-Russian competitions

@MK.RU Jaroslavl'
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Passed tournament of memory of the master of sports of the USSR Malyugina Alexander to Nizhny Novgorod Region. There the best athletes from 16 regions gathered. Yaroslavl Region at competitions was presented by eight athletes. To four of them, all of them are pupils SPORTS SCHOOL OLIMPIYSKOGO REZERVA V. N. Latatuyev's name, it was succeeded to receive fairly won awards. The first place in weight category of 68 kg at Mourad Agaev. Sirotkin Arseny 68 kg strongest in category, in category of 85 kg divided the third place Arshinov Tikhon and Malyshev Vladimir...
Malyugina Alexander
Sirotkin Arseny
Arshinov Tikhon
Malyshev Vladimir