Tax for the self-busy: what showed experiment?
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Experiment will last till December 31, 2028. What it already showed? What pluses, minuses and prospects new taxes for self-taken in Russian Federation? In more detail in the comment of the associate professor of accounting and the taxation of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA", REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA Galina Semenov: Every fourth — in Moscow. If for the first year to Russian Federation 33 thousand self-busy, by November, 2021 — nearly 3,5 million people were registered. Most of all self-taken in Moscow: since the beginning of 2021 their number grew by 313,6 thousand and by November reached 792,8 thousand people. These are 23% of total number of all registered in the country...