Parliament of Republic of Serbia supported a number of agreements within Open Balkan

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Parliament of Republic of Serbia at meeting confirmed on December 29 some agreements signed within an initiative of Open Balkan.Deputaty of parliament maintained including the agreement on veterinary, phytosanitary control, control safety food products and a stern for animals. "The Serbian veterinary and phytosanitary protection completely will be ready to this project since Monday January 3" — quoted RTS TV channel of the word of the Minister of Agriculture Serbia Branislav Nedimovich. The minister reminded that so far in trade between Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Albania did not admit...
Branislav Nedimovich
Last position: Party member (Serbian progressive party)
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Edi Rama
Last position: Prime minister (Republic council of ministers Albania)
Ram Edi