Employees of Zheshartsky LPK accelerated approach of New Year 2017 corporate "Cheerful starts"

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In a hall of sports palace popular with zheshartets passed a sports and entertaining holiday "Cheerful starts", organized for workers of Zheshartsky LPK. In cheerful New Year's Eve relay the staff of different divisions of plant could compete in speed and dexterity. And for the devoted fans, come to support the fathers and mothers, dancing collectives "Children of the 21st Eyelid" and "Premiere" acted, the press service of companies reports...
Alexander Ivanovich Nagovitsyn
Last position: Deputy, member of the constant commission on questions of development of the territory, town planning, land management and ecology (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Starodumov Sergei
LLC "Factory MDF"