"Geeta again in hospital": at one of Siamese twins of a problem with a kidney

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Geeta Rezakhanova divided in 2003 with the Siamese twin Zita, got to hospital because of problems with a kidney. Information on it was placed by group in a social network of social network "VKontakte", devoted to sisters. In the 2015th Zita died, and for Geeta diagnosed a cancer. Rezakhanova coped with an illness, however again got to medical institution. — Geeta again in hospital. Very high temperature. Problems with a kidney — were written by interested persons in group to social networks of social network "VKontakte". On March 4 the ambassador Russian Federation to Kyrgyzstan Andrey Krutko handed over the passport of one of Siamese twins, to 24-year-old Geeta Rezakhanova, and it...