Again tea drinking? Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov invited deputies of leaving convocation to the residence

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The deputy Eugenie Strokova confirmed it, however the press secretary of the president disproved information Today in the state residence "It Is Scarlet — Arch" at 18:00 o'clock the meeting of the president Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov with deputies of the left VI convocation Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic will take place. The deputy reported about this Eugenie Strokova. Thus nardep noted that the meeting purpose while is unknown. — To deputies mailing about the invitation to the residence arrived — told Eugenie Strokova. — There was quite strange situation. We yet did not close the session, but the new structure already took the oath. In the country short-term diarchy. Probably, we...