Louses kept samples of DNA of the South American mummies

@Nauka - TASS
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Scraps genetic materials remained in sticky substance, with help which louses attached the eggs to the bases of hair of mummies of information agency "ITAR-TASS", on December 29. Paleogenetiki was deciphered for the first time by genomes of several South American mummies age in two thousand years. Scraps of their DNA remained in layings of eggs of louses which lived in hair of mummies. Results of research were published by the scientific magazine Molecular Biology and Evolution. "Human DNA can remain in the sticky weight of which layings of eggs of the parasites living in hair of the person consist. This opening considerably expands access to...
Perotti Alekhandr
Pedersen Mikkel
University Redinga
Main activity:Science and education
Kopengagensky university
Main activity:Science and education