Representatives of Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan took part in a seminar meeting TRETY APELLYATSIONNY COURT OF GENERAL JURISDICTION

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Judges criminal board of Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan took part in a seminar meeting TRETY APELLYATSIONNY COURT OF GENERAL JURISDICTION which took place in a mode. Within a seminar meeting reports were made the chairman of judicial board on criminal cases Kaporina Helena, by chairmen of judicial structures Tottskaya Jeanne and Eugenie Udod. Following the results of work of action answers to questions to judges were given to judicial board on the criminal cases, concerning applications of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation in practice, and also features of appeal practice of consideration are shined...
Евгений Григорьевич Удод
Last position: Member of the committee (Executive committee Krivorozhsky city council)
Kaporina Helena
Tottskaya Jeanne