The Uzbek author became the winner competitions to Open Eurasia

@Bol'shaja Azija
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Competition Open Eurasia is based by the British organization Eurasian Creative Guild. This year 10 years since the moment from its basis were executed, and exactly as much Open Eurasia serves as a platform of forming of cross-cultural dialogue between the East and the West where creative people, cultural, educational can prove. Competition takes place Open Eurasia within the Open Eurasian Literary Festival %26 Book Forum (OEBF) festival. This year it passed for the first time in Uzbekistan from December 15 to December 19, having united participants from 15 countries of the world on platforms Tashkent and Samarqand. Guests of honor of an anniversary festival...
Yunusov Ibrahim
Grodzinsky Andrey
Vishnevsky Yanush
Godzinsky Andrey
British Council