Силы МЧС России задействованы для помощи автомобилистам в период прохождения неблагоприятных метеоявлений

@MChS Rossii
27 декабря состоялось еженедельное селекторное совещание МЧС России. На контроле МЧС России работы по ликвидации последствий неблагоприятных метеоявлений, прошедших за неделю в 41 регионе...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Emercom of Russia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Petrovich Chupriyan
Last position: Chairman of the board of trustees (All-russian public organization "Federatsiya pozharno-prikladnogo sporta Russia")
Natalya Komarova
Main activity:Politician
Arsene Grigoryan
Last position: Chief (Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in Tver region)
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Solovyev
Last position: Director of the department of the international activity (Head of the Russian national body of extraordinary humanitarian response) (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters)
Shakhobiddin Vakkosov
Last position: Chief (Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defence, emergency situations and natural disaster response of the Arkhangelsk region)