The competitions "Qysqy jugiru" took place in Astana

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Astana. information agency "Kazinform" - In capital a thriathlon park passed winter run competitions in honor of the 30 anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, transfers International information company "Kazinform" with reference to the official site of akimat of the city. The main distance of the competitions "Qysqy jugiru" made 10 kilometers. About 250 inhabitants and city visitors, and also fans of sports took part in competitions. In action took part the vice-Minister of Culture and RK Serik Zharasbaev, the chairman of committee on affairs of sports and physical culture of ISS Samat Yergaliev, the president of Federation of a thriathlon of Astana Birzhanov Yerzhan...
Samat Yergaliev
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee for sport and physical culture (Ministry cultures of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Serik Zharasbaev
Last position: Vice-minister (Ministry cultures of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Birzhanov Yerzhan
Zhylkybaev Samat
International information company "Kazinform"
Main activity:Communication and IT
Administration office physical culture and sport
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