Gal Gadot showed the funny moment from shootings "A miracle of the woman"

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Gal Gadot showed the funny moment from shootings of the second part "Miracle of the woman". The actress published amusing video on the official page in website "Instagram". From the moment of a continuation exit "A miracle of the woman" there passed year in honor of what Gal Gadot decided to remind the audience of the heroine. In the personal microblog it published the short video which has been written down on a set. On shots it is imprinted as the star in an image of the Wonderful female swings the weapon of the main character over the head, and then incidentally gets on a forehead. "It is not so simple to make advances to a lasso as it seems" — the actress warned fans. New video...
Said Tagmaui
Last position: Actor, screenwriter
Gal Gadot
Last position: Actress, model
Mirkin Danielle