To Yudzuru Khanyu for the sixth time won the championship Japan

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The double Olympic champion, the Japanese figure skater to Yudzuru Khanyu for the sixth time in career won the national championship. Judges estimated free skating to Yudzuru Khanyu at 211,05 points, and his total amount made 322,36. Silver medal won Uno Sem, bronze — Yuma Kagiyama. Let's note that in free skating to Yudzuru Khanyu with a mistake managed to execute an axel in 4,5 turns that earlier nobody managed. Championship Japan. Saitama Men. Results 1. to Yudzuru Khanyu – 322,36 2. Uno Sem – 295,82 3. Yuma Kagiyama – 292,41 4. Cao Miura – 276,16 5. Kazuki Tomono – 263,67 6. Seong Miyake – 252,81 7. Shun Sato – 252,13 8...