It is simple about important: the almanac about rules of safe behavior of children in the digital environment appeared in Wink

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In the Wink video service the cycle of informative videos "Cybersafety for children and adults" is available to viewing. Mini-movies, each of which is devoted to one of widespread virtual threats, are removed by the director Berger Daniil and creative association "Group of Companions". The most part of young actors — pupils of drama schools at the Central house of the actor of a name of A. A. Yablochkina. Advised founders of series including experts on Cybersafety LLC "SOLAR SECURITY". - Today the greatest threat for safety children the woods represent not, bogs or wild...
Kira Kiryukhina
Main activity:Official
Berger Daniil
PJSC Rostelecom
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services
Main activity:Communication and IT