Critics explained, why the animated film "Zveropoy 2" – not a masterpiece and not a cash hit

@Kul'tura VRN
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Five years later after an exit of first "Zveropoya" in hire there was a sequel – "Zveropoy 2" (Sing 2). The movie made under own scenario the same Gart Dzhennings, the former music video director. As soundtrack the picture is served by the main English-speaking pop hits of the last years. Critics treated a new tape more cool, than the original. Note a supporting role of the history, frank domination of popular music, violent speed, tiresome for the adult viewer, abundance of treacle. If to speak about cash desk, to United States of America the rate on hits of popular music of justifies. To Russian Federation with it it is more difficult. Probably, therefore and...
Gart Dzhennings
Last position: Director, screenwriter, actor, writer, producer
Marsheva Olga
Obolonkov Sergei
Popova Alena
Louri Brian