Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss spoke detention Natarov Sergei

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Chapter Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss answered question mass media of arrest Natarov Sergei. The vice-chairman Krayevoy parlament was arrested arrested till February 20 of the next year. Answering a question of arrest Natarov Sergei, the head of the region Alexander Uss admitted that he knows no more, than write mass media. Thus the governor suggested that detention the vice-chairman Krayevoy parlament is not connected with policy, and also with desire to cast a shadow on chapter Krasnoyarsk Territory. Besides, Alexander Uss spoke relatively Anton Natarov which was him...
Alexander Uss
Main activity:Politician
Anton Natarov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Rookk "Association vypusknikov Kadetskikh korpusov i of the Mariinsk city zhenskikh gimnazy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory")
Natarov Sergei
Lebed Alexander