The talented and masterly pianist Alexander Sheftelyevich Gindin will act in the Tyumen philharmonic hall

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On April 28 the talented and masterly pianist Alexander Sheftelyevich Gindin with the solo concert. The performer belongs to number of original virtuosos and acts with huge success worldwide. It is recognized as one of the most talented and original Russian pianists. In 1994 ended TsMSh, in 1999 — Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name on a class of professor M. S. Voskresensky. Among partners Alexander Sheftelyevich Gindin on chamber playing music — Spivakov Vladimir, Rudin Alexander, Boris Berezovsky, Kong Wu Peck, Olivier Latri, Sipriyen Katsaris, Utkin Aleksey, Chaushyan Alexander...