Бывших игроков «Барыса» включили в состав сборной Канады на Олимпиаду-2022

@Sportivnyj portal Kazahstana
Журналист The Hockey News Стивен Эллис представил свой вариант состава сборной Канады на Олимпиаду-2022, передает Sports.kz со ссылкой на «Трибуну...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Sports portal of Kazakhstan» , more details in our Terms of Service
Justin Poggi
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Administration pgt. Kaa-Hem of the Kyzyl city kozhuuna)
Brandon Gormli
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)
Eric Zhelina
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Karolina Kharrikeynz")
Jason Demers
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)