JSC "Uralskaya ore mining and smelting company ", "Management machine-building mining company" helped Baranchinskaya to school arts to become safer

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Joint-stock company "Svyatogor" (the enterprise of a metallurgical complex JSC "Uralskaya ore mining and smelting company ", "Management machine-building mining company") rendered the financial help to children's school arts in the settlement Baranchinsky. According to the head of establishment, the last two years they did not manage to mount security system and an emergency lighting system due to the lack of means. Thus there were necessary calculations and estimates for the solution of these tasks. As a result in building the security Orion system and an emergency lighting system were mounted. It made stay of children and adults in the Baranchinsky nursery to school arts by safer. Let's remind, Joint-stock company "Svyatogor" in 2021...