"Today to collect explanatory": The leaders of nine areas and two cities Republic of Bashkortostan will have to come true before the head of the republic

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To Republic of Bashkortostan 11 municipalities did not provide necessary data and schools did not get to the federal program of capital repairs. The minister of educations told RB to the head of the republic about it today, on December 20, to Rady Khabirov Aybulat Khazhin. It is Arhangelskoe district, Baltachevsky district, Belebey district, Bizhbulyak district, Buzdyak district, Zianchurinsky district, Kiginsky district, Meleuz district, Chekmagush district, and also Kumertau and October. Now they will be able to take part in the program only since 2024, 2022 and 2023 they will precisely pass...
Rady Khabirov
Last position: Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Aybulat Khazhin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan)