The discontent with Boris Johnson grows — this time and in his own party

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Conservative Party (UK) lost a by-election in "the" constituency where won before many decades in a row, writes Das Erste. Scandal because of a Christmas party in a heat lokdauna, refusal of members of the same party to approve the project of toughening of measures for fight with Koronavirus, and now and loss Northern County of Shropshire — Boris Johnson wants to get rid of the prime minister any more only opposition. information agency "Reuters"...
Boris Johnson (Boris Johnson)
Main activity:Politician
Ser Rodger James Gail
Last position: Member of parliament (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Morgan Khelen
Paterson Owen
Deyvi ed
Conservative Party (UK)
Political ideology:Conservatism, British unionizm, economic liberalism, Euroscepticism.