Виктор Баринов: В Магаданской области, да и не только, туристический бизнес, по сути, делает первые шаги в своем развитии

Депутат Магаданской городской Думы избран заместителем председателя Эколого-туристического совета при Магаданской областной...
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Sergei Abramov
Last position: Chairman (Magadan regional Council)
Youri Mikhaylovich Kazetov
Last position: Deputy mayor (City Administration of Magadan city)
Victor Alekseevich Barinov
Last position: Deputy; vice-chairman of the Magadan City Council; chairman of the constant deputy commission on questions of municipal property; the member of the commission concerning social policy; the member of the commission concerning investment policy and business development (Magadan city городская Дума)
Igor Borisovich Dontsov
Main activity:Politician
Andrey Konstantinovich Zykov
Last position: Deputy (Magadan regional Council)
Russian geographical association
Regional agency on tourism
Government Agency