A photo — In Bishkek there takes place a meeting of board of Euroasian economic commission and a business community Kyrgyzstan. Who participates? (list)

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In Bishkek today, on December 17, there takes place a meeting of board Euroasian economic commission) and a business community Kyrgyzstan. In a course me...
Sergei Korshunov
Last position: Head (Administration of the Vygonichy district)
Ulukbek Karmyshakov
Last position: The vice-prime minister - the minister (Ministry economy and finance of Kyrgyz Republic)
Mikhail Myasnikovich
Last position: Chairman of Board (YEEK)
Temirbek Ishenbaevich Asanbekov
Last position: Minister, member of Board of power and infrastructure of the Euroasian economic commission. (YEEK)