Germans Vellbrok and bek Leonie – winners of the Grand final of a World series on swimming in open water; Kirill Abrosimov and Kurtseva Ian – the 31st

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on December 16, to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) the Grand final of a World series on swimming in open water came to the end. At a distance of 10 km Germans Floriane Vellbrok and bek Leonie won. The second – Italian Domenico Acarenza and Brazilian Ana Kunya Marsela, the third – the Hungarian Razovsky Christophe and Dutchwoman Sharon van Ruvendal. Russians Kirill Abrosimov and Kurtseva Ian took the 31st places. In the mixed relay Italians took priority. About it reports Agency "All sports...