Russian Federation — Canada: Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev threw in empty gate after a gross blunder of the goalkeeper at the exit

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These minutes passes a starting match of the second stage of Evrokhokkeytur — the Cup TV channel "Pervy kanal" in which the national team Russian Federation meets team Canada. The meeting takes place at stadium "CSKA Arena" in Moscow. The account by the beginning of the third period — 4:1 in favor of wards Aleksey Zhamnov. "Championship" conducts text online translation of a match. On start of the third game piece Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev threw the fourth washer in gate of Canadians. Marchenko Kirill caught for a mistake of the Canadian goalkeeper Justin Poggi, having robbed that at a front board then brought Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev to a throw on empty gate — 4:1...
Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev
Main activity:Athlete
Aleksey Zhamnov
Main activity:Official
Justin Poggi
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Administration pgt. Kaa-Hem of the Kyzyl city kozhuuna)
Marchenko Kirill