Experts: In Household management company it is necessary not to fight against a consequence, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons

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Photo: congerdesign/Pixabay - the Source the Petersburg authorities intend to take the Moscow experience For a basis. Key are technicians. Money on its updating will ask probably from federal budgets. Also officials intend to increase prestige of yard keepers, drivers of special transport and the staff of landscape gardening farms. To them promise to increase salary and to create comfortable working conditions. Opinion of the vice-president of the commission on municipal economy of Legislative Assembly Boris Vishnevsky Vishnevskego: The vice-president of the commission on municipal economy of Legislative Assembly Boris Vishnevsky Actually, I not really understand that...
Nicholas Pitirimov
Last position: The deputy, the vice-chairman of committee on economic policy, property complex, development of business and the consumer market, the member of the committee on town planning, architecture, the land relations (Council of people's deputies of the Vladimir city)
Marat Khusnullin
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Boris Vishnevsky