Increasing achievements

@Gazeta Kazahstana "Vremja"
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In parliament under the chairmanship of Maulen Sagatkhanuly Ashimbaev meeting of council of senators, devoted to the 30 anniversary of Independence of the country took place...
Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev
Last position: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (President of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Маулен Сагатханулы Ашимбаев
Last position: Politician (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Oralbay Abdykarimov
Last position: Deputy of the Senate of Parliament of RK, Chairman of anti-corruption committee at party Nur Otan
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Baygeldi Omirbek