Команда Беглова не вышла чистить заснеженные улицы Петербурга этой зимой

Команда губернатора Александра Беглова до сих пор не вышла чистить заснеженные улицы Петербурга...
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Alexander Beglov
Last position: Governor (Government of Saint Petersburg)
Vladimir Kirillov
Last position: Vice Governor of St. Petersburg (Administration of the Governor of Saint Petersburg)
Lyubov Sovershaeva
Last position: Deputy plenipotentiary (Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Northwestern Federal District)
Andrey Khlutkov
Last position: Director (Northwest management institute—Branch of the Russian Federation academy National economy and public service at President of the Russian Federation)
Nicholas Leonidovich Bondarenko
Main activity:Official