On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STOYLENSKY MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT" declared the best masters of year of the Ore Division

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On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STOYLENSKY MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT" (enters into NLMK Group) corporate competitions "The master of year-2021" among representatives of the enterprises of a raw division of NLMK Group – SGOKA, Stagdok and Dolomite summed up the results...
Valery Knyazkin
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the municipal district Chelno-Vershiny of the Samara region)
Brigadenko Oleg
Grishin Vyacheslav
Lavrov Alexander
Degterev Dimitri
JSC "Stoylensky mining and processing plant"
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing
Группа НЛМК
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing