The era left: after nine years to Guangzhou the leader of the national team China on soccer Elkeson de Oliveyra Kardozu returned to Brazil

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On December 12 at the Baiyun airport of the Chinese Guangzhou emotional farewell of attacking local club and the national team China on soccer Elkeson de Oliveyra Kardozu with the numerous fans, come to take it home to Brazil took place. 32-year-old Elkeson de Oliveyra Kardozu, better known as Elkeson de Oliveyra Kardozu, or, after acceptance of the Chinese nationality as Ai Kesen, spent long nine years in China, having become the real symbol of the Chinese soccer. He never played in Europe, and in 2013 after couple of successful seasons for "Botafy" from Rio de Janeiro got over to China – in football club "Guangzhou"...
Elkeson de Oliveyra Kardozu
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (OSFR PO OF THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY)
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