Neither accidents, nor repairs: from where on roads phantom stoppers] undertak

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Sometimes stoppers on roads arise by itself: ahead neither accidents, nor repair work, snow blockages, and all stream of movement stopped. This phenomenon received the name "phantom stopper", scientists even described it mathematically. What to do to the driver not to aggravate and so difficult road situation? The river of fires flows day and night on the city: if to take a detached view, the show bewitches, but at those who in stopper, emotions absolutely others. The marine spends morning and evening in these jams, and every time tries to understand that there ahead occurred: went-went – and suddenly all got up. "You look on...
Aleksey Ivanovich Tyshchenko
Last position: Deputy (Krasnodar City Council)
Igor Morzharetto
Last position: Member of the Union (RAMI)
Spiridonova Marina
Zabudsky Aleksey