"These money will not pay off very long". Eugenie Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin commented on data on losses of the businesses

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Photo: @tot_samy_chichvarkin / website "Instagram" the Businessman Eugenie Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin became the guest of the program "You keep! " on RTVI TV channel. In interview to Minsker Marianna he commented on data on losses of the businesses. In May, 2020 on a site TV channel "RT" there was a note in which it was claimed that business Eugenie Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin met financial difficulties. In particular, data were provided in material that companies saved up the businessman of debts with a different maturity date for the sum of £60,8 million. Thus Eugenie Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin allegedly itself borrowed £31,2 million to wine group Hedonism Drinks Ltd. Except...