The friendly football match devoted to the 300 anniversary of prosecutor's offices to Russian Federation] took plac

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Today in Saint Petersburg at stadium "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" the Arena" took place a football friendly match between prosecutor's office teams Saint Petersburg and Government of Saint Petersburg. Event is held within celebration of the 300 anniversary of prosecutor's offices Russian Federation. At the opening ceremony with welcome speeches to teams and the audience addressed the head of supervising department Victor Melnik and the vice governor of Saint Petersburg Boris Mikhaylovich Piotrovsky. "Dear participants! Already soon, 300 years to the royal decree of the emperor Peter I about establishment of a position of the general prosecutor as "an eye will be executed on January 12, 2022...
Alexander Nikolaevich Belsky
Last position: Chairman (Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg)
Boris Mikhaylovich Piotrovsky
Last position: Vice governor (Administration of the Governor of Saint Petersburg)
Victor Melnik
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of Saint Petersburg)
Petr Alekseevich Zaburko
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Central district of Saint Petersburg)
Zhukovsky Sergei