It became simpler to scan QR codes in "Raiffeisen Online" thanks to technologies LLC "SMART ENDZHINS SERVICE"

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Soderzhaniye2021 Availability of Smart ID Engine on Google Android Availability of function of calculation of an individual credit rating 2020 Opportunity to submit an application for a mortgage Opportunity to open the account and to trade in securities Integration with Set Retail 10 with support of System of fast payments on cash desk Possibility of registration of OSAGO Availability of voice input Opportunity to see full requisites of the card in the Start of the Special Section mobile application for bonus clients Opportunity to make a full complex of operations with investment products LLC "Management company "Raiffeisen Kapital" online the Share...
Anton Mikhaylovich Krasilnikov
Last position: The area manager on development of mortgage lending (Product Owner) (JSC Raiffeisenbank)
Olga Sumina
Last position: CEO (LLC "Management company "Raiffeisen Capital")
Vitaly Lavrinets
Last position: Head of department of development of retail digital platforms (JSC Raiffeisenbank)
Rubakhin Pavel
Arlazarov Vladimir