Vertinsky Alexander Nikolaevich scarified series "Vertinsky"

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Last Wednesday 78-year-old Marianna Vertinskaya and 76-year-old Anastasia Vertinskaya became guests of the show "Dock current". The anchorman Alexander Gordon took an interest in opinion of actresses on series about Vertinsky Alexander Nikolaevich. The biographic drama "Vertinsky" started on TV channel "Pervy kanal" on November 29 and with success goes the second week. The first the floor was taken by the younger daughter Vertinsky Anastasy Aleksandrovn. She admitted that the movie with Aleksey Filimonov in leading roles is exact not about her father, she knew it when held in hand the picture scenario. "The director Avdotya Smirnov allowed me to read the scenario...
Avdotya Smirnov (Dunya Smirnov)
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, TV host, publicist, literary critic, essayist
Alexander Gordon
Last position: Co-host of The Man's/female teleproject (JSC Channel One Russia)
Aleksey Filimonov
Last position: Stage and film actor