An online meeting on the organization of the academic mobility

@Samarskij filial MGPU
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Since 2018 Fransh-Conte's Moscow city and University Region of Franche-Comte (Besançon, France) connect close partnership which provide including the academic mobility of students and teachers. One of the oldest universities France, founded in 1423 and numbering today about 25 thousand students both 2400 teachers, and young higher education institution Moscow are integrated by the general understanding of the concept of modern highest educations — the world of open borders and opportunities. Within the cooperation agreement students of two higher education institutions, studying French and Russian languages...
Mikhaylova Svetlana
Zakirova Anastasiya
Novikova Catherina
Tamilina Anastasia
Berseneva Sofya
Университет Франш-Конте
Main activity:Science and education