In Chelyabinsk will play "12 chairs" in a genre the freak cabaret

@Zhurnal Teatr
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On December 22 on the Big scene the Chelyabinsk theaters dramas of a name of Naum Orlov there will take place a premiere of performance Arkhipov Ilya "12 chairs" based on Ilf and Petrov's novel. "12 chairs" — the second work Arkhipov Ilya in Chelyabinsk theater dramas. Last year it put "The snow queen" based on Andersen's fairy tale...
Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev
Last position: Artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater Estrady named after Arkadiya Raykina")
Arkhipov Ilya
Morsin Andrey
Bender Ostap
Boris Nikita