In London online week of the Kazakhstan cinema] opene

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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The history and modern trends of the Kazakhstan cinema became a subject of the round table which has opened Online week of the Kazakhstan cinema in London, organized in honor of the 30 anniversary of Independence Kazakhstan RK Embassy to United Kingdom together with JSC Kazakhfilm of Shaken Aymanov", transfers newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan". George Washington's University George Washington D.C. professor Peter Rollberg and Honourable professor of a cinematology of University of Aberystwyth Birgit Beumers the Ambassador of RK to United Kingdom Yerlan Abilfaizovich Idrisov, the Deputy dean for faculty and to research initiatives. Moderator...
Yerlan Abilfaizovich Idrisov
Last position: Plenipotentiary Ambassador (Embassy Republics Kazakhstan V United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Adilkhan Yerzhanov
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, producer
Aymanov Shaken
Narymbetov Satybaldy
Университет Аберистуита
Main activity:Science and education
London university queen Maria
Main activity:Science and education