"the Baltic House" will present "Scenes from the Dead house" according to Dostoyevsky

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0 Press at Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Theater festival "Baltiysky dom" will take place on December 4 and 5 the prime minister of the performance "Scenes from the Dead House" on the novel Dostoyevsky "Notes from the Dead house", at the heart of which — the experience endured by the writer in Omsk a jail where for several years he served sentence in the matter of petrashevets, both supervision over cellmates and supervisors. To the main hero of work, and alter ego of the author — condemned for murder of the wife to Goryanchikov Alexander Petrovich — almost daily it is necessary to contemplate as various manifestations of human meanness, and sincere generosity. Having returned with...
Goryanchikov Alexander Petrovich
Akhmerov Dimitri
Vildanov Ilshat
Andreychuk Sergei