Nicolas Maduro promised to support oppositional governors

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The president Nicolas Maduro promised Venezuela on elections on November 21. About it writes Ispanskoye nezavisimoye information company EFE. On elections Manuel Rosales from Zuliya's staff, Alberto Galindes from State of Cojedes and the Morello Rodriguez from State of Nueva Esparta won a victory over the pro-imperious opponents. The president made the promise after a meeting with Rosales, Galindes and Rodriguez in the presidential palace Miraflores where in the next few days it also will accept 19 new governors from ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)...
Nicolas Maduro
Last position: President of the Republic Venezuela (President of Bolivarian of the Republic of Venezuela)
Political ideology:Bolivarizm, Chávezism, socialism of 21 centuries, left nationalism, \u000aanti-capitalism.