«Астана» обратилась к покинувшим команду велогонщикам. Видео

Команда «Astana Qazaqstan Team» обратилась к велогонщикам, которые покинут команду в конце этого года, передает Sports.kz...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Sports portal of Kazakhstan» , more details in our Terms of Service
Merkhavi Kudus
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing (Highway cycle team "Astana—Premier Tech")
Gorka Izagirre Inchausti
Last position: The professional athlete on highway cycle races
Nikita Stalnov
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport (Highway cycle team "Astana—Premier Tech")
Highway cycle team "Astana—Premier Tech"
Main activity:Culture and sports