/the Multimedia / Forum on the Chinese-African cooperation becomes a new milestone in the history of the Chinese-African relations Van I

@IA Sin'hua
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Dakar, the 29th November/Xinhua / Member of the State Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs China Van I and chapter Ministry foreign affairs of Republic of Senegal Aysata Tal Sal on Sunday held a meeting in Dakar. Upon termination of negotiations they together met journalists. On November 28, Dakar. The member of the State Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs China Van I and chapter Ministry foreign affairs of Republic of Senegal Aysata Tal Sal on joint press conferences after negotiations. / Photo: Xinhua / during press conferences Van I noted that at this important point of global fight against epidemic Koronavirus new type/COVID-19/and economic recovery Senegal, responding to expectations of the African...
Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Van I
Main activity:Politician