14 actors from the Soviet and Russian movies which talk and sing not the voices

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Rescoring of one actors by others is known feature of the Soviet cinema which was inherited including by the Russian movies. The Soviet directors often resorted to services three different people for creation of one character: the first was removed in all scenes, the second sounded all its remarks, and the third sang. Sometimes such trick managed to be turned imperceptibly, but especially attentive audience after all guessed that something here not so. We assure if you revise movies from the list, already knowing, who and whom pereozvuchen, you will not be able to perceive these pictures as earlier. Why...
Aleksey Panin
Last position: Actor
Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev
Last position: Artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater Estrady named after Arkadiya Raykina")
Alexander Galibin
Last position: Actor, director, theatrical figure