The petition with the requirement "to dismiss " the Ryazan deputy Vladimir Karpovich Sidorov in two days signed one and a half thousand people. Thus in it his words] are incorrectly state

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The petition against the deputy Regional Duma of Ryazan from "United Russia" Party Vladimir Karpovich Sidorov on in two days collected one and a half thousand signers. Signed demand "to dismiss Vladimir Karpovich Sidorov" for his statement at meeting Oblastnaya duma. Thus in the petition the statement with an appeal "to shoot" is incorrectly stated. Vladimir Karpovich Sidorov spoke about people who buy counterfeit certificates on vaccination from Koronavirus. About it in the petition it is not spoken. Instead it is approved (spelling and a punctuation – author's – Vidsboku comment): "the deputy from ER Vladimir Karpovich Sidorov, suggested to solve a problem...