Swimmers from Udmurt Republic update the records in the capital Republic of Mordovia

@Udmurtskaja pravda
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At the All-Russian competitions in Saransk Blinova Victoria from the Izhevsk schools the Olympic reserve on swimming won a gold medal at a distance of 200 meters a breast stroke. Its result became an absolute record for Udmurt Republic – 2 minutes 26,59 seconds. AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION UR "TSSP" on a site. Besides Blinova Victoria took the third prize in swimming at a distance of 200 meters on a back. This result of 2 minutes 14,82 seconds became the best age achievement for girls to Udmurt Republic. The success of the sportswoman is shared by her trainer Sozonov Maxime. The new age...
Blinova Victoria
Sozonov Maxime
Gorokhova Anastasia