Kiryukhina Irina demanded to hold competition to chapter position oblzdrava Vladimir Region

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The deputy of Legislative Assembly Kiryukhina Irina demanded to hold competition to a position of the director of the department of health care. She declared it on a past on November 25 meeting Oblastnoy parlament. The acting doctor and the spouse of the former head oblzdrava it is dissatisfied with that in two years in department six heads were replaced, huge money is now allocated for provision of medicines and construction, repair medical institutions thus … The message Kiryukhina Irina demanded to hold competition to chapter position oblzdrava Vladimir Region appeared at first on Provladimir...
Helena Utemova
Main activity:Official
Alexander Aleksandrovich Avdeev
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Vladimir region)
Kiryukhina Irina
Goryacheva Larissa
Baranov Konstantin Nikolaevich
Government Agency
Oblastnoy parlament
Government Agency