BEAUTIFUL AND BRUTAL INVESTIGATORS. TV Center TV channel TV channel "TVTS" I will show new series of detectives "I go you to look for" and "Frank calling"

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Beautiful and brutal investigators performed by Petr Rykov and Pavel Kraynov take up again service. On Friday and Saturday, November 26 and 27, TV channel "TVTS" will show premier continuation of detective series "I Go You to Look for" and "Frank Calling". I go you to look for, the 3rd movie of 2 Friday series, on November 26, at 20:05 the New, third season "I go you to look for" "Boomerang" is called and will be shown on Friday, November 26. Before the audience of "TV Center" already could see two movies from this detective cycle – "The Moscow time" and "Behind closed doors". As the police captain and senior...