In Goryachy Klyuch blocked the street because of firing

@Kubanskie novosti
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na territories of the resort town proceed shootings of the criminal drama "Promise". Major roles in the movie are played by known Russian actors Chadov Andrey, Bezrukova Irina, Kamenshchikov Oleg and Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelev. Inhabitants take part in crowd scenes Goryachy Klyuch and the suburb, not indifferent to cinema or beginning actors. In an official account of the movie on Friday, November 26, scene video with firing was published. In order that actors could play it, militiamen had to block Revolyutsii St. - Made a noise last night on entrance to Goryachy Klyuch, - it is specified in a movie account. As...
Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelyov
Last position: Actor (State independent cultural institution KK Krasnodar city drama theater)
Chadov Andrey
Bezrukova Irina
Kamenshchikov Oleg