In air there is a documentary film "Liberators. Forgotten Ostmark's camp"

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Fund Alexander Pechersky together with the Russian-Austrian Forum of the public "The Sochi dialogue" submit the documentary film devoted to release by Red Army of nazi camps in the territory Austria. The movie is created throughout work of information agency "REGNUM" together with Fund Alexander Pechersky over the project on perpetuating of memory of concentration, labor, forwarding camps in the territory of subjects Russian Federation within its present borders. Within the project installation of plates and information stands on a place of the former concentration camps were initiated. In the summer decision...
Andrey Aleksandrovich Fursenko
Last position: Assistant to the President (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Dimitri Lyubinsky
Last position: Plenipotentiary ambassador (Embassy of the Russian Federation in Austria)
Alexander Pechersky
Last position: The deputy of Lipetsk city council of deputies, the member of the commission on transport, road economy and improvement, the member of the commission on legal questions, local government and deputy ethics
Werner Almkhofer
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Austria in of the Russian Federation)
Ksenofontov Oleg